Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 16 June 1920



There is much matter in that Vicomte de Bragelonne. The degeneracy of that snivelling prig, that skirt-sniffling 100% American, is well contrasted with the male d'Artagnan's attitude to women, whom he practically ignores, or that of Aramis, who uses them cynically and carelessly. It explains how Louis XIV was able to cow the nobility. But one also sees how Louis, by making the royal power absolute, knocked away its supports.


11.10 p.m. 'Beauty' [Ninette Shumway] has returned from Palermo with persecution-mania rather more developed. She only attempted murder once, as I put away the firearms. Howard [Howard Shumway] swam for ten minutes alone: good boy! We'll make a man of him despite his mother.


