Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 19 June 1920
1.00 a.m. I have made the Adoration to Kephra. I am staying awake for no particular reason save to enjoy the contemplation of my Moon. I want the vilest thing in Her to be unspeakably hideous, base, disgusting, filthy, repulsive, and obscene, so that I may give it the noblest, holiest, purest, loveliest, thing in me for its ugliest use. I want Her ranker than a goat, and lewder than a monkey, so that mankind may take Her bestial bleating for the voice of God, Her obscene gesture for His benediction.
But, besides all that, I want Her as She is, and at that Truth of Her I tremble, I am faint—but oh! I glow—I love!
2.00 a.m. circa. Opus[1] 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. Opn. Fine, save for physical. Elixir: remarkably well composed, copious, powerful. Object: Juventutem.
10.00 p.m. A peaceful day: sleep, sea, reading 'The Butterfly-Net' [Moonchild]. I saw the New Moon, quite clear, but close framed in a heavy cloud of black.
1—[Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation.]