Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 25 June 1920
Still, the day went ill indeed, until I besought aid of Jupiter [Opium] as I meant not to do; and the recovery has been most alarmingly complete.
8.40 p.m. Opus[1] IV. Mohammed Tsaida in the [podex]. Operation: Excellent. Elixir: Magnificent. Object: Juvent. V.
9.40 p.m. Opus V. Ayesha (R. Aethippicanus). Operation: Excellent, surprisingly so. Elixir: Very good. Object: Juvent. VI. This ends the series
There is no news of Jane [Jane Wolfe], or Percy [cocaine]. Symbol for Jane: K of Phallus [I Ching Hexagram VI].—I suppose that means she's 'practically here'!
What is the Cefalu news—the message I ought to have had from Leah [Leah Hirsig]? [I Ching Hexagram] Fire of Fire—Don't worry.
I note that Anatole France makes fun of the certainty which each being possesses that he is the centre of the universe. But our Star-Sponge vision shews that each one is right to think so. He gives his case away by declaring the cosmos unintelligible. It is the scholastic A is A logic that makes his trouble for him.
1—[Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation.]