Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 13 July 1920



A good night's rest. There is some irritation of the basal and faucal passages.


9.20. I have a very exhausted feeling, sweat easily.


10.35. Symptoms of catarrh and indigestion: I use eleven drops of what gained praise from Paracelsus.


11.03. There is, and has been, a sort of dull hunger-and again I call on Paracelsus as before—but it is in no way specialized. It is a sort of boredom, physical as well as mental. The idea of using Cocaine to overcome it is repellent.


1.35. Lunch over; I feel quite normal in all respect.


5.15. Sea-bath has refreshed me greatly; but I am not yet free from catarrh, and I take eleven drops more Laudanum.


9.15 p.m. I feel quite normal, though tired, I have taken a very great deal of exercise today. If I had an idea, I feel that I could work perfectly as usual—only I haven't!


