Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 14 July 1920



Long night undisturbed—after Fives and a shave I feel fresh and eager to work; but with no glimmer of an idea. Catarrh etc. mostly subsided.


6.45 p.m. Had a wonderful swim, one spell between 500 and 600 strokes: and I've been at a glorious sexual orgie with Leah [Leah Hirsig], from morn to dewey eve, and still going. In bed, by the wayside, in the sea and on the shore, by all means and to all ends—so be it I


11.2 5. Opus[1] II, 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. Operation: all day-perfect. Elixir: copious, good. Object: Aurum.


11.35. I note that there has been no 'craving' soever for cocaine up to the present. I took a minute dose of heroin at 9.40 p.m. circa to keep Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] 'company'. My general feeling really does seem to be that I should 'like' cocaine (or any other drug) at any time, as a rule, just as I should like Fried Sole or Truffles au Champagne or a glass of milk. In fine, I like drugs as I like most things; but can do without them, as I can do without most things.



1—[Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation.]


