Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 25 July 1920



The above got tangled up somehow. We all came to Cefalu. Bathed, etc. I now find Jane Wolfe, refusing her year of birth, misled me—l am like the girl who was to meet a 'dark distinguished gentleman' and did, he was a nigger with one eye. Her Luna, opposing mine, shows sense-antipathy: our Saturns conjunct show sympathetic sobrieties of life-conception. Her Mars is trine to my Herschel; she might well help to execute my Will. Her Venus near my Saturn shows her love for my Wisdom. The ascendant shows the gracious, serious, clever personality eager to help humanity—and I read this first hand from sight and sound of her. But where is the 'kitten-paragraphist' who appears always in her letters? She doesn't talk so; and her planets do not indicate so curious a quality as far as I can see. These nonsense-flowers, Leah [Leah Hirsig] and I both think, are heavily censored phantasies.


