Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 11 August 1920
Give general symbol for buying a One-Tree-House: [I Ching Hexagram] XX, 'Big splash'. If we do it, it must be as an adventure. As I did Operation I thought: 'Great place for a printing house.'
9.00 p.m. Pentagram and 'Bornless One,' very splendidly done.
9.50 p.m. circa. The Virgin ordered me by 93 to take snow [Cocaine] tonight; having no oath against it, I obey without lust of result or fear, though I had casually promised myself to abstain for four weeks. The orgie began accordingly.
11.05. LA-ShT-AL, 31-XXXI-31. Beast-Set-Whore. Shin is the Card of the Stele, and Teth of Babalon and the Beast. This Lashtal is therefore 93, the Trinity of Us. Leah had been invoking Aiwass and got a small black figure hiding among the rocks. I told her to accept this, as there is None beside Him. She got a word, half-formed, which began ∑ F (206) and after two doubtful letters, went on ΨΠ. Su might be for Soul, Up for Hyper or Hypo something. All very slow and vague, this; but I feel much more confidence than in Ahitha's [Roddie Minor] glibness or Virakam's [Mary d'Este Sturges] gush. This is more like the original Aiwass work in Cairo, with Initiation added to me, and for a Scarlet Woman without personality or self-won freedom, to true . . .
(L.G.O.C.F.Y.) Soul-identity with Him whom I name not, the Idea of The Book of the Law. (Leah's visions follow.) I expect little, but that little practical and quintessential.
Alostrael [Leah Hirsig]: 'Star, many pointed, twelve points in groups of two. Within this star many pentagrams . . . Star is silver but its rays golden. 3 replaces the star, higher up . . . Black crow behind 3. Arch of light, high up, beyond these things . . . Through this is a crescent with a pentagram . . . Letter changes to original star. Below, are three small arches . . . These replaced by crescent with stem, a scythe.'
'Ask Aiwassl Manifest, be content with none otherl'
Alostrael: 'He stands on a cliff. She goes out to Him. He's in a black robe, short, and wears a round black hat, goes to Him. I must use scythe for something, before I can get there. He torments me. He's stripped . . . fine big body, long oval face, close shaven; that's a show to tease me. He takes the Beast's form. Alostrael rides upon this phantom and enjoys Him! LAC H . . . O T is the Word seen and felt, but not heard by Her.'
'Is the C H a Cheth ?'
Alostrael: 'Yes, I think so . . . In the space is a sort of E . . . the crescent moon is always interfering with the vision by attracting undue attention; now the Sun comes; the 12-pointed star is the Sun. C now came consecutively into the space in the word; now a round-topped M, now a small r printed with a short hook, might be a badly cast y.'
'Ask for a definite statement as to why this Word is spoken to Us.'
Alostrael: A diamond-shaped brooch filled with jewels . . .'
'Is it a sign of His identity?'
Alostrael: 'Doorway with that over it. I go in, turn to right, up stairs. A wide room with an arch at end; arch is lined with jewels, set in silver. At long end [of room] an altar, and semi-circular ornament on wall . . . No, a canopy. I go under it . . . bright light beyond, dazzling . . . '
'Is Aiwass there?'
Alostrael: Yes, on floor, in black.'
'Do it again!'!
Alostrael: 'We do, with the proper invocations that He may incarnate in our next Bastard, and speak to Us. He says "Yen". This was felt, heard, spelt out, and seen. Now it looks like M. Yen might be 65, the Holy Guardian Angel.'
'Are we working right?'
Alostrael: 'Yes.'
'Any improvement possible?'
(Beast gets a vision of a 'proper temple' which had already been decided on by Whore as the object of the next Opus.)
Alostrael: 'The scythe reappears. She [Alostrael] strikes ground.'
'This means that we should reap what we've sowed.'
Alostrael: 'Blood leaps from smitten earth which is rocking; it becomes a dark crimson lotus-bud.'
(This seems to agree with my interpretation; our crimson house or heart will bud when we harvest our seed instead of sowing more all the time.)
Alostrael: 'Moon is always around.'
'Does that refer to Jane [Jane Wolfe]? How's moon connected with our work?'
Alostrael: 'A crescent with a line in it,
'Probably the bow and arrow.'