Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 19 August 1920



12.00 a.m. Opus[1] XIII, 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. Operation: brief but magnificent. No difficulties. Orgasm prolonged and complete. Elixir: normal, but of curious flavour. Object: 'May this my S.[carlet] W.[oman] in whom all power is given, extend it more and more, in hell and earth and heaven.'


These words—nearly—came impromptu as I blessed the Earth, I forgot the exact words at once. Two minutes later and I can't recall them!


12.15. I'll to bed again.


12.50. A poem on Stars in my head. I'll write it.


5.55. Hell! A night of it again! It was a short poem that I had in mind, possibly five or six quatrains. Cocaine elaborated it to this 5-hour epic: 51 quatrains.


I note a very curious fact: I cannot keep to even the simplest metre. I have the Anapaest-habit; it grows on one. I think it is that my ear dislikes any mechanical music in these latter days. But I jump about altogether too outrageously. However, I asked Aiwaz for a new music, and a new message in poesy; I suppose this is it. If so, I shall like it on reading; and I thank Him in advance!


7.00 a.m. Slept 45 minutes. Later—Very little bad reaction from the cocaine. Long sleep, and return to normal after bathing and good night's rest made me quite my ordinary self by Friday morning.



1—[Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation.]


