Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 24 August 1920
The Hour of Kephra: Hail Thou that swimmest through the Gulph of Night, in Thy claws bearing Earth, Thy Ball of Dung! (Observe 'tis the Redeemer-unto-the-Light that exalts Dung!) The single sniff of cocaine has turned me into a Tiger of activity. The opium alone left me without ambition or energy. I have no restlessness or impatience but, though I've no idea what I want to do, I'm fiercely potent to do something.
12.15 a.m. Talking—I note that I'm sleep-burdened—no word fits the state, but I'm not sleepy. It's more that I reproach myself for not being sleepy. The old fear of anxiety? Leah [Leah Hirsig] suggests Yi work. Shall we summon Rosalie to keep house? [I Ching] Hexagram XII. Phi. Excellent for small matters such as this.
Give symbol for Mrs Clarke at present. [I Ching] Hexagram XXVII. I. Nourishment-a good symbol; she needs me.
Symbol for our making a Magical Alliance for practical purposes. [I Ching] Hexagram LVIII. Tui. Water of Water. Admirable for harmony and success.
Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] asked Aiwaz for a symbol: a blue 8, in yellowish white circle, very large. A 6 seemed to follow, flashed and fled outside and below circle to its left. Excellent is this omen, and very harmonious with my own symbol from the Yi.
12.40 a.m. a sudden idea for a Leah poem—and a sudden swift vomiting! I've vomited; I'll sing.
2.30 p.m. I sang-all night and day till now. I suppose I must pay for it—fork out!
4.40 p.m. Opus[1] XIV, 3I-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. Operations: very brief; quite easy orgasm splendid. Elixir: A. I. Object: physical energy.
4.50. I haven't slept yet.
9.15. Nor yet-the Energy asked for flooded me.
1—[Crowley conducts a magical sexual operation.]