Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 4 September 1920
Temple must have (1) Boundaries-Nuith; (2) Light—Hadith; (3) a god—R-H-K; (4) An altar with four elements; (5) a priest, A-a-n-K.
But I shall now ask Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] for a Vision of our Temple. Its colour? Black. Its shape? Has a pyramid top, with a globe at the point. Walls perpendicular—plan, polygon of thirteen sides. Very high compared to circumference. Inside, black with decorations, mostly in red. Golden inside of spire; silk floor, red soft carpet. Three steps at one end to altar like a shelf; all white marble. Two huge candlesticks, white, on silver stands. This is really the Throne; in S[outh] E[ast]. In N.W. is a door, 1 1/2 as broad as the other sides. The plan is roughly circular. 666 in violet robe. Russell [C.F. Russell] in black Phoenix robe. Alostrael in white-yellow robe. A T[au] & K[aph] on a paper in hand of an angel on a window-sill in another room. Lotus on paper. Howard [Howard Shumway] takes a message. Gold Cross on paper. Means: phallic symbolism in weapons. Two spears by throne, r[ight] h[and]. Silver disk on l[eft] h[and].
Nothing else is in the temple by right; we can put in what we need. I need (1) Tripod, (2) Silver Censer (Air), (3) Chalice (Water), (4) Light (Fire), (5) Paten (Earth).
My colours are Black and Gold; hers, Crimson and White. No Green, says she. No Blue, says I. All this seems doubtful. It's one o'clock; I want to sleep.
3.00 a.m. No; I thought of a poem on Leah, and wrote it. Fooling about most of the day.