Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 1 October 1920



1.10 a.m. 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. Operation:[1] very long and persistent, complicated with 'C[unt], C[ognac], & C[ocaine]' and other things. One of the best of my life, all round. Elixir: unintelligible. Object: praise of 93.


2.00 a.m. I wish to consult the Yi about various matters. 1. General symbol of the new current of the Equinox. (I had got while invoking Tahuti last night, an Oracle of Thelema: CCXX, 3.47 1st paragraph.) It gives [I Ching Hexagram] Lingam of Water, Li, the Tiger hexagram. Be very calm and Tao-like, but creative and bold without rashness or presumption. Seize opportunities but do not seek them. Thelema oracle for the meaning of 'Oh, so much!' CCXX, 1.22: 'Bind nothing!' etc.


General symbol for the Work of the C[ollegium] ad S[piritum] S[anctum] in Cefalu during the next six months. [I Ching Hexagram] Earth of Earth: absolute repose, with solidification. Beware of emotional activity and of discussions.


Symbol for finances of Coli. ad S.S., Cefalu, during next six months. [I Ching Hexagram] Earth of Moon. Inexperience and ignorance-no developments.


What shall we do about Soror N[inette] F[raux]'s [Ninette Shumway] French Bonds? [I Ching Hexagram] Moon of Fire, Hexagram III, Kun. Make a fresh start. I think this means keep them until a regular chance arises to start a business with them.


Symbol for my plan to distil a liqueur of the College? [I Ching Hexagram] Air of Moon. Hwan, LVII, Dispersion—but read chapter. It's good and describes subject.


Symbol for scenario work. [I Ching Hexagram] Lingam of Sun. Thung Zan, Union of Strength.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]


