Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 10 October 1920



7.20 a.m. I soon got all right as to the Friday night stuff. I worked fairly hard all day and slept from 8.00 right through till half an hour ago.


I note my planets for 12 October.[1] New moon—new current of life. Neptune squaring my radical Mercury might be very bad for my mind, especially as he retrogrades over it in November. Herschel is neuter, Saturn is opposing my Moon, semi-sextile to my Herschel. Venus and Sol, trine Mars. Good for executive work. Jupiter is sextile my Jupiter. Mars is good except to Luna, and that is rather past the square. General symbol for my plan of 7th and 8th houses. [I Ching] Hexagram I! Don't be obvious—give opportunity a chance but don't force it! How shall I act? [I Ching] Hexagram XXIV, 'Returning'. i.e. go over old paths, i.e. seek old friends, adjust heresies, preen fan. But don't overdo it, be balanced and high-minded. Don't go back to the wrong things, such as Dingwall![2] In what direction? [the Trigram for Water] Highway-sedges and rushes—bamboos—blue united with yellow. More about the place? Air of Lingam. Sounds like the desert, a joy-place. The blue and yellow seem like sea and sand. Biskra seems to fit everything pretty well. Describe the ruler of the 7th house. The ram-a strong, foolish, passionate, hot-tempered person. Symbol for 8th house? [I Ching Hexagram] LXI, 'The Boat'—moves pigs etc., fish—absolutely successful.


3.30 p.m. I started to write a short poem after a very heavy sleep of nearly three hours. I was ass enough to start snow [Cocaine] again.



1—[Crowley’s birthday.]

2—[Crowley married Rose Kelly at Dingwall in Scotland in 1903.]


