Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 3 November 1920



Opera[1] I, i.o.d.[2] Alostrael [Leah Hirsig].


Opera[1] II, i.m.d.[3] Alostrael.


Read through the Diary of Mrs. N. F. Shumway [Ninette Shumway]. I am utterly appalled at the horrors of the human heart. I never dreamed such things were possible. I am physically sick—it is the greatest shock of my life. I had this mess in my own circle. It poisoned my work; it murdered my children. It really does seem as if a magick circle were a sort of advantage.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[‘In the mouth of the lady.]

3—[In Manu Dominae, in the hand of his mistress.]


