Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 5 November 1920



Took definite magical action and banished the intruding demon [Ninette Shumway] from this Circle. She went to Cefalu accordingly in the afternoon. I attach here a copy of the Exorcism.


Coll[egium] Ad S[piritum] S[anctum]. Cefalu, An[no] XVI [1920], Sol in Scorpio, Luna in Virgo.


N. S. F. [Ninette Shumway Fraux], Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Initiation purges. There is excreted a stench and a pestilence. In your case two have been killed outright, and the rest made ill. There are signs that the process may lead to purification and make things safe within a short time. But we cannot risk further damage; if the hate is still in course, it had better coil back on its source. Keep your diary going carefully. Go and live in Cefalu alone; go to the hospital alone; the day before you come out send up your diary and I will reconsider things. I shall hope to see the ulcers healing. Do not answer this; simply do as I say.


Love is the law, love under will.



9.30 p.m. Opus[1] III, 31-666-3I, p.v.n.[2] Operation: excellent, considering conditions. Elixir: very admirable indeed. Object: to praise Our Lord that we can start work again.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[Per vas nefandum. By the unmentionable vessel, i.e. anal intercourse.]


