Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 13 November 1920



10.15 a.m. This poem seems more or less finished. Damn everything but love lyrics! I think I'll wander back to Cefalu.


1.00 p.m.


Pity is the last insolence of pride.

There was a young poet named Keats

Who shagged every day in the streets.

He did it because

The alternative was

To shit every night in the sheets.


There was a young poet named Shelley

Who much preferred bottom to belly.

He argued the former

Was tighter and warmer.


There was a young poet named Swinburne

Who swore 'May my soul and my skin burn.

The prospect appals

Not a person whose balls

To bugger a Siamese twin burn'.


There was a young poet named Browning

Who rescued a virgin from drowning.

Next day they got married;

Next month she miscarried.

His philosophy kept him from frowning.


An old poet named Coventry Patmore

Would say he thought no man had shat more

Or wetter or worse

Or a niftier verse

And added: I piss and I cat more!


13 November (continued). Cefalu in p.m. Opus[1] V, 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. Operation: Supremely orgiastic. Elixir: strong, rich, copious. Object: Magnum Opus.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]


