The Cephaloedium Working Record Friday, 24 December 1920
I have been revising the Comment on "Liber Legis," with the aid of Alostrael [Leah Hirsig], Iacchaion [C. F. Russell], & Jane Wolfe. This applies only to Chapter I; Chapter II I have revised with Iacchaion only,& Chapter III I have read through alone. I cannot express myself adequately about my sense of failure in this Comment. More I feel that I have not conquered my repulsion to Chapter III. I ask myself too: Have I even tried to carry out the instructions in that Chapter?
I am utterly wretched about the whole matter.
I say: have I not failed absolutely to obey the "Heavenly Vision"? I am so miserable that I can only see one course of action: to ask the Yi to give a General Symbol for my past Work in relation to "The Book of the Law." [I Ching Hexagram] LIV—Kwei Mei: Alas! too true! I have been divided against myself: I have gone in just deep enough to compromise myself, not I when the whole hearted plunge would have brought success. I have been too irritably active, & not persistent enough.
Give a symbol for my right course of action in regard to it 'at the present time & thence onward. [I Ching Hexagram] LVIII Tui: Let there be an even flow of Love to it, a still & subtle dissolution. Water, the weakest thing in Nature is stronger than the strongest. Steady devotion without anxiety or fussiness will penetrate the Universe. Inward harmony & sincerity: the slow accumulation of Karma, constant concentration on the Law, utmost faith even in one's opponents, will gather the whole world into the fold of the Stars.