Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 23 May 1921



I am mortally afraid to do so. I fear I might be called upon to do some insane act to prove my power to act without attachment.


9:34 p.m. As God goes, I go. [Discarding his clothes, he entered the temple with Leah Hirsig at his side. There, before his Scarlet Woman and all the powers of the universe as his witness, Crowley took the Oath of an Ipsissimus, (10°=1°), the final grade in the AA hierarchy. The oath began his final and greatest initiation, one that would not see its conclusion until 1924.]


I am by insight and initiation an Ipsissimus; I’ll face the phantom of myself, and tell it so to its teeth. I will invoke Insanity itself, but having thought the Truth, I will not flinch from fixing it in word and deed, whatever come of it.


