Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 16 July 1921
Wrote British and American Consuls to inform them of the atrocious treatment of Soror ESTAI [Jane Wolfe].
Wrote Lamb, 777 [Charles Stansfeld Jones], etc.
Note Liber VII-VII-23 as to 10° = I and 1008.
Symbol for 777's present position. [I Ching Hexagram] Air of Air. LVII Sun—Seems some danger from Folly.
11.0 P.M. About 7.30 P.M. I had a quite unprovoked and unintelligible attack of asthma, very distressing.
I recited the Hymn to Pan, at Vespers; and we did a little Io Pan mantra. It is very effective; people nearly fainted. I am now frightfully exhausted, with pains in the back, and my head half swooning with heroin. I have taken very large doses, but it doesn't seem to act on asthma as it does on bronchitis. Shit.