Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 17 July 1921
1.30 A.M. I can't sleep, of course; but have had several excellent thoughts. I will put everybody through Minerval next week, beginning on Wednesday.
2.00 P.M. A sleepless night, pains in the back—slept all A.M.
Most alarming drivel from 777 [Charles Stansfeld Jones], and an appalling circular offering courses of lectures etc etc not for payment, but for ALMS! ! ! A L M S ! ! !
The A∴A∴ accepting alms! It is all so serious that I must ask a direct oracle of Thelema. I receive VII—III.40. "There is a strange pale God, a god of pain and deadly wickedness". What steps (if any) am I to take as to the question of the A∴A∴ and receiving money for occult service? First a blank page. Next VII.III.60. "Than shall all this which is written be accomplished; yea it shall be accomplished".
I have been into myself. I don't care who is The Beast, and what happens to him; or who is The Child, or Horus, or NOT or any other damn thing; but I do care for my personal honour. And I don't care what Thelema says, and I don't take counsel with mine Holy Guardian Angel; but I do mean to keep my hands clean about money.
Give a general symbol for Mrs Mathilde C. Ford. [I Ching Hexagram] 59 Hwan. Dispersion.
Interpret the question "What steps etc" above. [I Ching Hexagram] XXVII. I. Nourishment.
I shall not leave my efficacious tortoise and look at Jones until my lower jaw hangs down!
8.30 P.M. I invoked 93 ceremonially during Vespers, and asked for a message about my Son 777, either through Genesthai's [C. F. Russell] thumb in the Thelema books, or in some other way before sunrise tomorrow.
Genesthai gave me: "There was also a certain cry in an unknown tongue, whose stridency troubled the still waters of my soul, so that my mind and my body were healed of their disease, self-knowledge". VII.IV.26. This cry is
"111 00 Sh B Th 10 — 1111 AM AM Th 1B1 — 11"
The "cry" 24 letters
A K I V Z — 1516 = 4 x 379.
952 = 544 - 20
952 = 4 x 119 8 x 119
544 = 4 x 136 " 4 x 4 x 34
Could the 0 be a Vau—3rd person? If the Os are Vs 1516 becomes 1324. There is also OSh " Creation B Th house should be B I Th. A M Th = Truth. AM = Mother. IBI is the Magus between two pillars or hermits—the double Mercury fixed.