Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 16 September 1921
Still perfectly exhausted at noon; but have forced myself to do a certain amount of work.
Tiffin. Genesthai [C. F. Russell] seems worse—sulky and selfish—insolent when reproved.
What is to be done? [I Ching Hexagram] Pi 22 Earth of Sol. "Adornment". "He can discard a carriage and walk on foot". I must write him a letter about the "adornment" of a man—Good Manners! (This letter is drafted on the opposite page)
5.3 P.M. The situation, financially, is desperate. There is no news yet of my proposed loan—the draft from Jones is still unpaid—I had to borrow 100 lira from the barber yesterday—no news of help from France, America, or Australia—my ancestral furniture menaced with sale—debts everywhere.
Yesterday afternoon I sank down exhausted in the shade of a byre on the hillside, and slept on the stony ground for nearly 3 hours. When I awoke, I was aware of a passionate impulse to bolt, bluff my way to England, and compel some of the thieves and traitors who have robbed me to restore my property. I am now going to ask the Yi whether or no I should make some such desperate sally.
Shall I go to England immediately? [I Ching Hexagram] Sol of Water Khwei.
Line 1. "He has lost his horses, but let him not seek for them; they will return of themselves". Line 2. "Meet with my lord in a by-passage"—some unexpected help? Line 3. The journey would be diasastrous. Line 4. Stay with your associates: peril, but no mistake. Line 5. Work intimately with Alostrael [Leah Hirsig]. Line 6. Don't fancy these mudophorous pigs, and spook-laden carriages. The apparent catastrophe will soon be recognized as beneficial.
7.40 P.M. Wrote to Aimée [Aimée Gouraud]] to take her grippe as a Warning.
Wrote to Mudd [Norman Mudd] to undertake the mathematics of CCXX.
What shall I do tonight? (If IX° indicated to what end?) [I Ching Hexagram] Air of K[teis] 20 "Big Earth". Contemplation. I must try to get a comprehensive view of my comment on CCXX before proceeding to revise it in detail.
10.45 P.M. Have been contemplating
the Griphos of Nothing. 8 — 80 — 418. 8 = 2 x 2 x 2. Duality
expressed in 3 dimensions. 8 =
80 plus 61 = 80 plus 30 plus 31 = P plus L plus AL = ALP plus L = AL plus LA 1/2 0. 80- =P = duality expressed as force (action and reaction) 418 = duality expressed as the G.W..
"I call it"