Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 26 October 1921



Slept well, but feel rotten. Erna and Ethel started yesterday. (P.S. No: a day later i.e. die mercurii). My "dry air" problem.


What direction shall I choose to get it? [I Ching Hexagram] Fu Hsi says N (St Moritz) and Wau S.W. (Biskra). The alternative I knew before!


I ask a Thelema Oracle. CCXX.III.II. "The Victorious City!" Q[uer]y the city where Vittorio lives? i.e. Naples. Or Nice = NIKH?


2.35 P.M. I want further information. First: what shall be my course of action with regard to  E[rna] and E[thel]? Sol of Air 50. See the divination for the Autumnal Equinox. I am to consider E. and E. as the whole cheese for this 6 months.


