Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 30 October 1921



For some Freudian reason I am mad as hell this morning. I wish Erna at the devil.


Symbol for sex-relations with Erna. [I Ching Hexagram] 26. Restraint—circumlocution. Let the passion cook up slowly.


Girls to lunch. Arrival of Leah [Leah Hirsig] with a Tale of a Bank.


Monreale after tiffin—walk and rum—dinner at Villa Igiea—kissed Erna—New Moon.


What should be our policy in regard to Bank? [I Ching Hexagram] Hsu 5. "Waiting".


Should I have sexual relations with any other woman besides Erna while this current is running? [I Ching Hexagram] 59. "Dispersion". Lea says Yes: I say NO.


