Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 10 November 1921
Aurelio called, but knew not of Nietzsche's "Be hard, my brethren!"
A miserably cold, wet day.
How shall I write to Gwendolen Otter? (Leah's [Leah Hirsig] sticks). [I Ching Hexagram] 40. "Loosing" I think this is favourable to my proposed proposal. However, more definitely: Shall I propose marriage to her? [I Ching Hexagram] X. Li. Yes: but put Will into it.
11.11. P.M. Have written a 12-page proposal.
State expectations in regard to Aimée [Aimée Gouraud]. [I Ching Hexagram] 12. P[hallus] of K[teis] Phi. Temporary difficulties. (Possibly Erna has made mischief) Moral: hang on: say "We may perish"—
Am I going too strong on Cocaine and Heroin? If so, what should I do? [I Ching Hexagram] Luna of K[teis]. 8. "Union and attachment"—yes, there's a danger. See that my virtue is great, unremitting, and firm. i.e. make tests.
What will E.G.O. [Gwendolyn Otter] say? K[teis] of Fire. 24. Fu. "Returning" I think "no", but return to our old relationship. Not sure: Lea [Leah Hirsig] says exactly the same!
Our next IX°? [I Ching Hexagram] Sol of P[hallus]. XIV. Ta Yu. Money.