Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 13 November 1921
Good night's rest. Note that as space and time are the conditions we make for the representation of ourselves, the more fully we know ourselves the better conditions we are able to obtain for ourselves.
5.55 P.M. Back from a very long walk to the Grotta Sacra behind the M. San Guiliano. [I Ching Hexagram] Sol of Luna. 64. Wei Zi. This is the hexagram formed by 93 for the object of our next IX°. I take it to mean: power to carry things through thoroughly—the confidence which feasts quietly as opposed to the hesitation of the fox who thereby gets his tail wet. "Confidence" in Magick.
Succumbed to Snow [Cocaine]!
Comment [on CCXX] till 1.35 A.M.