Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 26 December 1921
Painted hard all day after a bad night. Two large canvases; successive attempts at my "Modern Futility"—tall buildings. And a No. 6 panel "The Barge".
The next big revolution will be against Science, on the ground that it is now the weapon of the powerful, whereby they oppress the humble I wonder whether Samual Butler foresaw this; I don't think he indicates this aspect of the affair. But I feel sure that G.K. Chesterton's attitude is quite consciously dictated by this perception. But the old weapon, Religion, broke because its virtue, Initiated Truth, was lost; and Science will hold its own so long as its priests are genuine seekers and knowers. Unfortunately, now Science is at last "respectable" one can already see a tendency to officialism, quackery, charlatanism, and arrogance.