Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 7 January 1922



I hear that money has arrived for me, and that the deed re the £300 was posted last Monday.


10.23 A.M. circa. Opus[1] XIII 93 [Leah Hirsig] p.v.n.[2] Op[eratio]n Very enthusiastic: in fact, I was over-excited. El[ixir] Very rich, aromatic, and concentrated. Obj[ect] "Natural Energy". (Result: within the next hour Leah and I were throwing water over each other in the course of a violent quarrel about nothing.)


3.30 P.M. Have been reading L'ile des Pingouins all day. Emulation suggests a satirical History of England, not on the fantastically decorated pattern of Anatole France, but cynically and brutally fatal. "The Decline and Fall of the Brutish Empire", beginning with William I and representing the whole course of events as ineluctably disastrous. Latinize the names: e.g. William = Voluntassum,  Henry = Pullari, Edward = Carutoustos, Stephen = Graduspulla, Richard = Ricusduruss, John = Egocurrus (for 1-vau), Charles = Cantuanos (for Carol-us), James = Egometal (1-aims), George = Terravelpier (Ge-or-gosse), Mary = Sindicusego, Elizabeth = Sheolestadjuve, Oliver Cromwell = Debohepar [?] bene, Anne = Unumgenu, Victoria ? —— No, these names are long and unnatural. A better plan would be to invent nicknames of insult. Thus: William the Conqueror = Furmagne, Duke of Calvados. His son, Gingerknut Spufus. Lamprephage.  ?  Stephen. Henry II - Becketeinus. Richard I = Peau-de-Lion. John = Coer-de-Lapin. Edward = II = Apertanus the Patient.  III =      Richard II = Lumbricus the Unturnable. Henty IV = Vifitius the Just. V = Boisterus the Great. VI = Crepingjesus the Pious. Edw IV = Pottancummus the Wise. V = Deocarus the Fortunate. Rich III = Burkemal the Prudent. Hen VII = Hen VIII = Gynecteinus the Beloved. Ed VI = Aralongavi Tabrevis. Mary = Gorgodlia the Good. Elizabeth = Vaginisma the Great. James I = Baubibumbo the Sage. Chas I = Parvobacillus the Fickle. Cromwell = Ferromanus Helonemal. His son, Somnopater Mollicodlis. Chas II = Mottemanter Puellas the Intelligent. Jas II = Grumpius the Gloomy. Will III = Duldumpus the Dreary. Anne the Artful. Geo I = Bochehun the Blockhead. II d[itt]o the Brutal. III the Blunderer. IV the Blackguard. Will IV d[itt]o the Witless. Victoria = Viduburgensia the Monumental. Ed VII = Toolokismet the Crafty. Geo. V = Aryd-maryd-haryd he Unhappy. Query: are these to disconnected? As to others: Wat Tyrrell-Byphis Ruddinob. Becket = Damas..Hugh Lyskliffe Wye Recket. Robin Hood = Circullus de Aquila. Maid Marian = Moecha Mentulaphage. The Black Prince Hugh de tiboille "sans savon et sans lip rouge". Chaucer = Botcer. Warwick = Deville the Stinkmaker. Crammer = Grand'mere. Shakespeare = Drawasword. Raleigh = Valet (Sir Walther). Essex = Sir Viliti Morand Lessex. Leicester =    . Bacon = Fakon. Mary Q[ueen] of S[cots]. Frake = Lord Lova Duck. Dukes of Borefolk, Stuffolk, Pluckingham, Pork, Tarquile, Muttland, Eathole, etc. Dryden = Srypen. Pym = Blim. Hampden = Damdem. Pitt =    . Welligton =    . Nelson = Helson. (Oratio Pbligua) Byron = Fryon. Laud = Fraud. Sternou   . Fielding =   . Scott =   . And so on. I'm not at all sure about any of this. We need names, too, for the provinces. ———land, Snotland, Perspireland, and Sharks.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]

2—[Per vas nefandum. By the unmentionable vessel, i.e. anal intercourse.]


