Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 9 January 1922
10.45 A.M. According to Bertrand Russell, the structure of phenomenal things indicates that of the transcendental Universe. Now it is irrational to take interest in phenomenal things because they are so illusory. But then, on the other hand, we are right to pay attention to phenomenal things looking at them from a scientific point of view, because they are symbols of the real world.
On this thesis, it is possible to construct a reconciliation between action and non-action. The ethics of Adeptship are justified thereby.
1.0. Rec[eived] 2000 lire—presumably from Australia. (No: Arctaeon [Charles Stansfeld Jones].)
Heard from A.G. [Aimée Gouraud] in Paris. My warning to her about N[ew] Y[ork] was signally justified.
What line shall I take in writing her? [I Ching Hexagram] XXV P[hallus] of Fire. Wu Wang. Put on intense will-current. Sincerity. Grab. Never mind intrigues of enemies: remain firm and correct. Let temporary failure work itself out naturally. Do not force the situation; let her take the initiative in the final transaction.
Symbol for Estai's [Jane Wolfe] immediate course of action?) Her manipulation) [I Ching Hexagram] XX Air of K[teis]. Kwan. Seems like a big Sammasati: nothing about travelling. "Peeping out from a door" is the limit in that respect.
Symbol for Leah's [Leah Hirsig] immediate course of action? [I Ching Hexagram] LI Fire of Fire Kan. Swift decisive action. Obviously means vigorous and energetic campaign.
Symbol for my own ditto. [I Ching Hexagram] IX Fire of P[hallus]. Haiao Khu. "Small restraint". Carry out old plans. Make alliances. Overcome obstacles before taking action.
Should Estai make a G.M.R. [Greater Magical Retirement] while Leah and I are away? [I Ching Hexagram] L. Sol of Fire. Ting. The cauldron. Yes: IX°. Tell her to expect misfortunes and plug on through them.
7.10. P.M. Symbol for next IX° Operation. [I Ching Hexagram] XLII Air of Fire. Yi. "Increasing". "A prosperous campaign for the Law in our forthcoming journey to London, Paris, etc."
7.18 P.M. I want to divide IX° and XI° Operations into classes by the various methods of extracting the Lion, and ask the Yi what type of Object suits each class.
A.1. P in K. 2. P in K Luna. 3. P in π. 4. P in S. 5. P in X. 6. P inter G. B. Sodoma. C. Gomorra. D. Paga. 1 and 2. E. 'Eremos. 1 and 2.
11.44 P.M. Opus[1] XIV 93 [Leah Hirsig] El[ixir] Rub[eus].[2] Op[eratio]n Astonishingly great. El[ixir] A.1. Obj[ect] Campaign (As Yi above).
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—['Red Elixir', i.e. the menses. Crowley was using the lunar current.]