Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 22 January 1922
With Lea [Leah Hirsig] and Howard [Howard Shumway] in "Deep Ghyll" Tunnel cavern on its (proper) right after climbing the first cave pitch clean. Continued on middle buttress—a very fine little friction climb in a shallow angle near top. Some excellent pitches—very varied types. Howard behaved admirably: not so bad for a kid of 5 years old to go over 3 hours on hard rocks, and not be tired. He didn't funk or whine at all, and is learning to use his brains. He has now acquired initiative, and does not have to be urged. Also, he listens intelligently to my instructions, and profits by them to the full. He enjoyed himself thoroughly, and ran home through the rain as fresh and gay as a young colt turned out to grass.
Jane [Jane Wolfe] went to Palermo to settle various affairs.