Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 7 February 1922
1.43 A.M. Opus[1] II 93 Op[eratio]n. El[ixir] Rub[eus].[2] Obj[ect] invoke R[a] H[oor] K[huit]—by me this was conceived as a purely Magical Work—she practically same Telema oracle about Everest (after two refusals) CCXX.II.65. (Means that the Order to go will come if it comes: WAIT for it).
How should we apply [I Ching Hexagram] XIX to Earp [Tommy Earp]?
To what end? [I Ching Hexagram] XXI. ask help to manifest the full glory of our Fire i.e. to establish 666 in worldly Honour etc.
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—['Red Elixir', i.e. the menses. Crowley was using the lunar current.]