Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 12 March 1922



February 12, 1922 Paris


This is the last Will and Testament of me Edward Alexander Crowley. I revoke all previous wills. I give and bequeath the whole of my property to Leah Hirsig (of New York, N.Y. U.S.A. and Cefalu, Sicily) and I appoint her my sole executrix.


Edwd. Alex. Crowley

GIQ [Enochian]




In case I die before getting this will duly executed, get two people who were in Paris on the date to sign as witnesses, after finding out from a lawyer—without explaining the circumstances—exactly how it should by done.


93   93/93


QVT [?] [Enochian]  666

1.25 A.M. A 1/2 tablet of Luminal put me in a very embarrassing position. I became (with a very small quantity C2H6O [Alcohol]) sleepy and drunk all but beyond control. I just managed to get to bed, and slept till 12.30 or so.


I had a nice idea for improving "Our Betters": making the culprit husband and wife.


2.55 A.M. Dyspnoea etc: took some Luminal and was very sick at once.


3.55 Bronchial attack. Medium [dose of Heroin]. Slept till nearly 1 P.M.


2.30 P.M. Medium [dose of Heroin].


4.40 Medium [dose of Heroin]. (11 1/2)



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