Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 24 March 1922



12.30 A.M. Circa. Opus[1] IX Aimée Gouraud K. Obj[ect] To remove impurities from her body, take them into mine, and transmute them into nourishment.


I was very simple and masterful; I made a better impression that I have ever done yet. I lunch there on Thursday and get a chapter of Memoirs.


(Snow [Cocaine] since 8.0 P.M. Monday by the way.)


8 [?]. 50. Sonnet to Leah [Leah Hirsig].


I love your fingers, thievish and unclean

Long thin crook'd fingers, eager to defile

Yourself, to drag all love to your cold vile

Vices; foul fingers, sinewy and lean,

Each gesture is outrageous and obscene,

Whispers all wickedness, in every wile,

Woos souls to Satan, complice with your smile

—I love your fingers: and the things they mean.

I love your fingers; vain their thrilling tips

Vain lust that laughs alluring from your lips!

Vain, till they keep their promise; they have dallied

With delicate debauch; invoke they shall

The Devil to annul [?] the animal—

The purple [word illegible] the promise of the pellid!



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]



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