Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 26 April 1922
Opus[1] VII Cam[ille] i(n) a(no) Th(erion) about 9.2 A.M. Obj[ect] Current as before.
What should Mrs. Hepburn do for the Great Work in London. [I Ching Hexagram] XX. Assist 666 in his personal campaign.
How answer Holman? [I Ching Hexagram] XXVII. Form magical link.
Gen[era]l symbol Goldsmith? [I Ching Hexagram] XXXIX. (By Genl. Symbol I now mean his character, use and weak spot). Weak in body, character self-injured by complexes, prejudiced, obstinate, unequal to life. Can help by my removing his difficulties. I influence him by showing him my moral force.
Opus[1] VIII 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. El[ixir] Rub[eus].[2] Op[eratio]n meagre but spontaneous—Obj. Current of Love towards 666
Line to take re Mrs. Harris and scandal? [I Ching Hexagram] XXX. (Done: big success).
1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.] 2—['Red Elixir', i.e. the menses. Crowley was using the lunar current.]