Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 28 March 1923



Midnight. Woke from deep sleep, sweat more or less over. Thought it must be much later. Feel well. (1) [Heroin]. Temp 99.4 2 A.S. Palate rather irritable. Wakeful.


12.22 A horrible idea has come into my mind. "The Family Jewels" a wonderful parme [?] and the successive breasts that bear it, one cancerous, one consumptive, and so on. The permanence of the stones contrasted with the rottenness of wearer—and the psychology of each new chatelaine "Mine at last". This is part of a general idea which has been developing in me lately, a branch of the tree :Life in intolerable". Even under Thelema one mustn't feel too much; there must be a certain healthy acceptance of things as tending to the Great Work, which if thought of as things-in-themselves, would be insufferable.


(2) Read till 1.15 [Heroin].


5.25 Awake again from not so grievous a sweat as usual [Heroin].


9.40 Awoke—rather uncomfortable.


(3) 11.0 [Heroin]. Temp 99.1.


10.0 Good motion. (4)


(5) 12.0. Still feeling rotten: [Heroin].


12.30 up and out.


(6) 1.10. 2 poached aggs, artichoke, toast, orange, milk 2 AS [Heroin].


5.30 Bed. Maggis called about 2; said my fever came from an infection of the liver and that I was now cured! Went short walk etc. Am now needing h [Heroin]: took 1/4 L[uminal]. Temp 99.0.


7.0 Enema—success, but followed at once by loose motion—(7) some discomfort in bowels [Heroin].


7.10 Exhausting. I am rather anxious lest 7 per diem h [Heroin] should be the low limit of normal comfort: the next few days must show. 2 AS


7.45 all night again: Temp 99.3.


8.40 The usual dilemma: I am tired, wakeful, bored, unable to work at anything: this is where [Heroin] pulls one through. As to L[uminal] though it might (I doubt it) induce premature sleep, that would probably involve premature waking in circumstances of even greater discomfort.


At 8.15 I ate a lot of Kedgeree with toast, orange, and chocolate.


10.0 Dozed off about 9.0 Awoke (8) sweating. Rub, change and [Heroin] really for health's sake: bad dyspnoea etc.


10.10 I have woken up "devilish", too: full of the feeling of revolt. This was at the bottom of my very hurried h [Heroin] and my very cocksure reason for taking it. But I want a super-something to produce an unimaginable effect: and I am mad at being in a world where things are in order! I want the impossible as such! As I write this, however, I calm down and acquiesce more or less in 2 plus 2 = 4 and I am really annoyed at (8) after yesterday's (7). But also I am startled-out-of-sleep-by-sweat Nephesch, and console myself by the following analysis.




To sleep.


2.15 A.M.


Against vomiting.


9.35 A.M.


Against weakness.

3, 4.

? 11.30 A.M., 1.0 P.M.


Physical craving.




Mental craving.




Hope to avoid disturbed night.

7, 8.





To recover sleep, in case waking was due.

Longest gaps (Tues. 7 1.2 (sleep) 3 5

(12 (wake) Wed. 5

(7 1/2 (wake) 6 (wake)

1, 2.

12.1 A.M., 1.15


To lack of [Heroin].




Disgust at weakness?




Disgust at weakness?




Pure temper, at Dr. calling (idea to conceal any symptoms?)




Thinking diarrhoea dangerous.




Impulse of startled sleeper.




18 hrs—5m     22 hrs     18/7=2.591 etc     22/8=2.75     Thus Wed. interval actually longer.


Further, Tuesday started from a full Monday of (9): Wed. from (7). I have started this analysis with the assumption Wed. = (8) as if there were no possibility of a (9) despite the 2 hours to run. The right kind pf unconscious confidence. I had the 166 [Cocaine] brought to my bedside at 9, and then refused to take it. Two of the first 3 doses were rather bad luck—due to the discomfort of sweating etc; 4 and 5 might have been reduced to one with judicious management; 6 was purely unnecessary; 7 might have been avoided had the pain been less; and 8 was almost an accident: a moment's thought should have turned it into an L[uminal]. More, 8 has acted brilliantly, as if my [Heroin]-virginity were already returning. I have been alert upon the subject, too, and overcome several attacks of mental inhibition about completing the abstention, fear of suffering, doubt of will-power etc. Altogether, a good day, despite the apparent relapse: PROVIDED tomorrow shows a statistical improvement.


11.20 still lively, reading Baudouin critically. Query: am I waiting for 12.0 to take [Heroin]? Note: this somewhat cynical suggestion has created a genuine (though transient and easily controlled desire to take it or 166 [Cocaine] at once! There is evidently danger in all such thoughts: the Key to Emancipation is: fill the mind with other ideas altogether. Liber III should be a good practice.


