Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 8 April 1923



12.0 A.M.! [Heroin].


1.50 a prolonged spasm of coughing [Heroin] (small) (1 1/2). Slept till 10. Read till 11 3/4. 1/2 [Heroin]. Feel fed up: don't want to go on or stop or anything (2). Some time before 1 [Heroin] (3). Shit: I'm irritated by everything and don't know why. Perhaps it is this damp shill weather.


2.0. Eager and impatient to start Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]. Meditating this, I notice Villa Santa Barbara—where I have made my house—is V Barbarah = 418.


8.30 I have Hagged through Book 4 [Volume I and Volume II], the Cremers [Vittoria Cremers] affair and started S.P's visit. I have (4) deliberately refrained from recording [Heroin], mostly out of (5) sheer ill temper about the whole programme of cutting it out! (6) I shall now count my [Heroin] as 3 goes, which I think is correct. And I shall start again severely on Monday (7).


9.30 [Heroin] after supper.


11.11 [Heroin] to wind up the "Feast" (8).


11.55 [Heroin] to worship Hadit on the eve of the XIXth anniversary of the Day of His chapter! (9) For His Number is nine by the Fools!


