Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 9 April 1923



The XIXth year of the Midmost Moment of the Writing and the 40th of the life of my love, of Leah [Leah Hirsig], of my Scarlet Whore!


7.18 P.M. Woke at 9 for brekker [breakfast]: felt utterly rotten, slept till 1. (1) Difficult motion with enema. (2). Reckless, hopeless feeling. Weather wildly wet. (3). Picking myself up gradually; managed to dictate Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] and letters. Now at last feeling fairly fit. (4) to face the evening. Will try to brace myself for a reduction to (3) tomorrow. If fine, will try to make a bolt for Palermo.


9.15 On my theory of atoms, it should be possible to get hold of the energy by cooling off heavy elements until they radiated their loose electrons.


11.30 Have been doing a dose—scratch of my bitch's head, and sucking ice against a hell of a thirst. Feel better. Could have done with less [Heroin] but for the irrational "desperate" feeling of the earlier part of the day. I must acquiesce in sleepiness, encourage it with Laudanum, in fact; and trust V. [illegible] M. Naturae to pick me up in its own good time.


