Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Saturday, 28 April 1923
Yi symbols taken with regard to the journey of the Beast 666.
Note. As the Order of Expulsion refers only to The Beast, the Abbey stays on. 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig].)
1. General symbol for the journey of The Beast. [I Ching Hexagram] XII. P[hallus]/K[teis] Thwan. The cause is misunderstanding; interfering with the Superior Man. [Line] (1) Uprooting of arrangements. Other people are involved in it. [Line] (2) Be patient and obedient. [Line] (3) Discover what mistake has caused the journey. [Line] (4) Do True Will. Companions will join me. [Line] (5) Take things very seriously and bring the distress and obstruction to a close. [Line] (6) Complete victory.
2. Should any one accompany The Beast out of Italy? If so, describe the person. [I Ching Hexagram] XXIII. Po Earth/K[teis]. The Couch is take 31-666-31 [written in by 666 after some time].
3. Describe the place The Beast is to go and his manner of life there. [I Ching Hexagram] XLVII. Water/Luna. A sea side (or baths) Mohammedan place; Live a very quiet life.
4. How shall O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] and 666 conduct their joint work? [I Ching Hexagram] XV. K[teis]/Earth. Humility. Complete dependence on the Gods to lead them in the right way. Don't worry about details.
5. What is the proper course of action with regard to the Expulsion Order? [I Ching Hexagram] LX. Luna/Water. Regulations. Make every kind of official representation, in the most business-like and orderly manner. Regard it as most important work to be done.
6. A symbol for the financial position and advice if required. [I Ching Hexagram] XXVIII. Water/Air. Thwan. The position is serious but the end favourable. [Line] (1) Take all possible steps to provide funds. [Line] (2) Get money from The Beast's old work. [Line] (3) . . . [Line] (4) Things improve as time goes on. [Line] (5) Repeat Line 2. [Line] (6) The position may become apparently desperate. Meet it with absolute courage. Use the imagination to put things right.
7. Describe in detail the proper course of action to obtain the rescinding of the Expulsion Order and indicate chances of success. [I Ching Hexagram] XLV. Water/K[teis] Thwan. Collection. Perform Magical operations to secure success. Press for personal interview with Mussolini. Spare no effort. [Line] (1) Avoid sporad [sic] action. Plan campaign carefully. [Line] (2) Work in harmony with as many people as possible. [Line] (3) Don't give up. [Line] (4) Be careful to assure your own good standing. [Line] (5) Compel the authorities to believe in your own sincerity. Be very earnest and persistent. [Line] (6) Appeal to the better feeling of the authorities. Communicate with all classes of people so that the petition comes from as many sources as possible.