Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 8 May 1923



Last night, i.e. Monday A.M. early OPUS[1] 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig]. Physical Energy.


This morning I obtained the inspiration for which I have been waiting. It is this: Go to Oxford! (Suggested date Oct. 12. Purpose: Public Lecture. Work everything up to this point: e.g. publication Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] even.)


I then obtained a Vision—a flash of one—of the detail of the way in which All is One. E.g. I objected to some though. "But A is not B" and saw that it was, accompanied with the words "That's the meaning of marriage (or some similar term)". The same with the sense of humour and one or two other ideas: I saw things merging like spokes to a centre (an obvious thought-form). The whole vision is now inconceivably remote; and I remember my first reactions were hostile and scornful! ! ! ! ! ! ! (i.e. the moment I tried to articulate what I had experienced). ————a few minutes later I got out of bed: and there was the morning star, which I have not seen for many months.


? omen! (Mars trine Saturn sextile Neptune   Sol sq. Nep.   Venus tri. Nep.   Hersch. Tri. Jupiter sq. Mars) [in symbols]. All this rose out of a long meditation on the meaning of my 9º = 2o work in U.S.A. (Cat [Jeanne Foster] and Snake [Helen Westley] etc.) N.B. It is essential to any set of Magick to work towards a definite object in the future. One must anchor oneself to the Unknown. Now then for the first time in a long while I make a particular Magical intention: to go to Oxford. Every act of mine from this moment must work towards this climax. I appoint Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] aide-de-camp, O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] Chief of Staff.


Yi Divination.


1. Explain meaning of message "Go to Oxford". [I Ching Hexagram] XX. Air/K[teis] Kwan. Law. Manifesting. i.e. Proclaim "The Manifestation in thought and speech of the idea of Nuith: and its formulation in a Pantacle. Thwan: sincere and dignified religions appeal. Proclaim myself 666.

[Line] (1) Address youth but as if it were adult.

[Line] (2) Await opportunity: then be bold.

[Line] (3) Base utterance on my personal record.

[Line] (4) Hymn glory of New Aeon: be proud of my mission.

[Line] (5) Cf. Line 3: show necessity of my mission—how I was born for this alone.

[Line] (6) Show how Law has made me superior to my human self.


2. How act so as to carry out this injunction to the best advantage ? [I Ching Hexagram] XV. Humility. Note Line 5. K[teis]/Earth.


3. General symbol for proposed exit from Tunis to the Desert this week. [I Ching Hexagram] XI. Very decided advice to go. K[teis]/P[hallus].


4. In desert journey what should be our main line of work? [I Ching Hexagram] VI. P[hallus]/Luna.

[Line] (1) Forget situation.

[Line] (2) Stay in sparsely populated sections.

[Line] (3) Nefta—do visions and invocations.

[Line] (4) Do visions and invocations.

[Line] (5) Work at the Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley].

[Line] (6) Don't hurry back on account of what sounds like good news about the contention. Wait for sure indication.

[Line] (6) Train to Toseur.     ditto 5 Walk to Nefta.     ditto 4 Rest at Nefta.     Lines 3, 2, 1 Long walk ————Journey.



Early A.M. Message. GO TO Oxford. (Rational idea—public lecture on Oct 12)


Vision of detail of HOW all is one. (Very wonderful so that I actually had a hostile reaction against it).


Explanation: [I Ching Hexagram] XX. (see brown leather diary). Advice how best to carry out my injunction.



1—[Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.]


