Aleister Crowley Diary Entry [circa] Tuesday, 22 May 1923
An XIX Sol in Gemini. CCXX.2.22.
I the Beast swear that I will abandon my human reason, if it be the Will of them that called me, that Hadit burning in my heart shall make secure and swift my pen for the writing of the Comment.
The Beast 666
Thelmodar: gen[era]l symbol. [I Ching Hexagram] LI.
How shall I employ him in G.W. [Great Work]? [I Ching Hexagram] LXII. The Bird. Obtain energy etc in practical small matters.
What objects should I am at in my XI° with him? [I Ching Hexagram] XII. To overcome my various defects, which hinder my success as 666, also external obstacle.
Lay down the main principles of my Magickal Preparation for the Writing of the Comment. [I Ching Hexagram] XXXIII. RENUNCIATION (of all other aims I suppose) Balance firmness and elasticity. [Line] 1. Wind up all other affairs. [Line] 2. Take oath of utmost power (My insanity oath is part of it) [Line] 3. G.M.R. [Greater Magical Retirement] under rigid oath: Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] and others to help enforce it. [Line] 4. Don't seek to avoid discomfort in G.M.R. [Line] 5. G.M.R. [Line] 6. G.M.R. Remarks: Create from material environment. Transmute Earth into the Word 93.
Essence of all this: G.M.R. such as I have never done before.
LXV IV 61-63. This journey is now imminent.
Describe my assistants in the G.M.R. ("a great lord and a comely"; note initials AGLA-A.C.. "a woman clad in gossamer and gold having the stars in her hair" suggests Alostrael.
[I Ching Hexagram] IV. Young and ignorant people with disciplinary virtues. . . volunteers. [Line] 1. A mentor. [Line] 2. A loving woman or new disciple paying expenses of G.M.R. [Line] 3. A whore. [Line] 4. An ignorant servant. [Line] 5. A lad. [Line] 6. One who would bully the lad; 666 to protect him.
Indicate the encampment of LXV.IV 61-63. [I Ching Hexagram] L. The Cauldron. Realization of mental Image, i.e. find it be clairvoyance. I have always imagined Nefta as the place for my critical G.M.R. and Ting confirms this in every way. There is the river, too, and all as in LXV.IV. 61-63. I therefore decide absolutely on Nefta as the place. I am to KEEP SILENT utterly as to this project.