Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 23 May 1923



Die Mercury


Yesterday I wrote letters, etc—a rather slack day; but did some Qabalah. I note Achad’s [Charles Stansfeld Jones] refusal to send out the Word of the Equinox.


He, Jesus Stansfeld Christ, as Russell [C. F. Russell] not so inaptly called him, the Great One, the Illuminated One. How shall He worry about those contemptible others, who are very likely waiting with trust for the Word to arrive? However the punishment had better fit the crime: I will make a point of not sending the Word to him next Equinox. I should very much like to know, too, exactly what is going on in Chicago behind my back. Yi says [I Ching Hexagram] XXXVII—same as personal fortune of Achad this Equinox.


What shall be my attitude to Achad; is any open action on my part necessary (either directly or through Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] and O.P.V. [Morman Mudd] and if so what?


Hex[agram] XXXVI

[Line 1] Meditate on matter.

[Line 2] Use ‘swift horse’ (I am wounded in left thigh).

[Line 3] Look for nigger in woodpile; but don't hurry.

[Line 4] Clear up the trouble.

[Line 5] Query what Count of Ki did.

[Line 6] (Apparenty) settle A chad’s hash.


9.40 p.m. The third month of the Equinox: keep quiet but make big plans. I brought the shew stone here, and simply have not had the courage to use it. I feel that the results would be very important, and I need a real rest. But I should like to get Alostrael’s Power going properly.


10.5 a.m. On Tuesday early I got (with Ethyl [Ether]) that O.P.V.'s idea of what his work should be revealed mediocrity, or perhaps to express what I mean more fairly, a strong sense of either his own limitations or those of (call it) material possibility, e.g. his first duty was ‘to keep this place’ (Coll[egium] ad S[piritum] S[anctum], Cefalu) ‘going’. Why not say ‘to develop this place to the full’. It is only a small point, but significant. There are two sides to it moreover; my own great error—both as to my own ambitions and to my plans for helping other people—has always been to aim too high, and miss altogether. Besides, getting disappointed in this way has injured my confidence. Better, no doubt, to make reasonable plans and carry them out.


10.15 p.m. Will now try Ethyl and Shew Stone. Object: simply to receive a message suitable to the passage of Sol through Gemini. Recorded in special book.


Note. Some bonny Qabalah this afternoon.


‘Thelema’. After days of work I get:


     Logos Puthios tou Nomou = 2542

     Thelema spelt in full = 2542


so that there is a perfect numerical equation in the Greek behind the plain statement in English. I went on to enquire about Logos Puthios. Am justified in thus translating ‘The Word’? It is certainly an ideal definition of the particular kind of word meant. The phrase adds to 1142, and then I got:


Logos Puthios = 1142

Age to thelema sou = 1142


Thus, ‘The Word’ is precisely ‘Do what thou wilt’ in Greek number, as well as in English phrase.


Note that 2542 = 2 x 1271, the ‘word’' (expression in dyad of 1271)

    1271 = he gnosis ‘the Gnosis’
  = to onoma sou ‘thy name
  = 31 x 41 31 is the Secret Key of the Book.
    The value of 41 (or 82) will appear shortly.


