Aleister Crowley Diary Entry
Monday, 11 June 1923
Die Luna
Note the absolute difference in kind between the Elementals & Qliphoth seen in this Three Days & Nights in Hell & those familiar to the regular Astral travellers. (Curious, by the way, the Crucifixion on Fri-day, the Death on Saturday, the Resurrection on Sunday!) Note Sun square Uranus with Mars trine Jupiter.
Thelema Oracle for this whole affair. CCXX, I, 48. a.m. Slept well, woke about 6.15 with regular thirst & headache as if from an overdose of some narcotic!
Wire O.P.V. [Norman Mudd]
Ego surgo et Libertas!
Later: collapsed in Tunis.
1 dose.
[Resurgam et Libertas! Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! I invoke the Lord of Speech! Cast on this wind-swept spit of sand to bleach A starfish husk, I am the Star that saw August & Arcane Truth, embattled Awe Whose might anointed me & armed to teach This one Word, this none other Word to preach: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Among the ruins of Carthage fugitive, I, the first][1]
Let me arise—& Freedom! Lurk! Withdraw! Upon them! I invoke the Lord of Speech! Cast on this wind-swept spit of sand to bleach A starfish husk, I am the Star who saw August & Arcane Truth, embattled Awe Whose might anointed me & armed to teach This One Word, this None other Word to preach: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law! Among the ruins of Carthage fugitive, I, the first English poet ever thrust From Italy, whose tyrant boasts that ‘he Will pass’—he stumbles in his drunken lust— ‘Over the rotten corpse of Liberty’. Laugh in exile—‘Shall Liberty not live?’
1—The material in the brackets is crossed out in the original manuscript.