Aleister Crowley Stopping Heroin Clinical Report
Monday, 11 June 1923
Case. [i.e. Crowley] Average dose 3 grains [of heroin] daily without a break since Oct. 1922 [and] with two short breaks (complete) since about Jan. 1921. Decided to stop about midnight Thursday, June 8th [in fact 7th].
[8 June] Friday. Went to bed about 3 p.m. vomiting, diarrhoea: complete loss of power in sphincter ani. Dyspnoea. Became delirious, but under control of Will. Slept uneasily at intervals.
Treatment. Inhalation of Ether almost continuously; 15 cg Luminal. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Food. No solid food since lunch, which was vomited.
[9 June] Saturday. In bed all day. Thoughts gradually regaining form from their elements. Sleep at intervals. Control of sphincter ani still absent. Delirium under greater control. Dyspnoea worse than Friday.
Treatment. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law 10 cg Luminal. Inhalations of Ether frequent, but no longer continuous. 20 min. Laudanum at night. (This perhaps a mistake: disquieting.)
Food. Sweet biscuits, tea, and coffee.
Sleep. Slept fairly well.
[10 June] Sunday. Woke early and very hungry. All day in bed. Very tired.
Mental condition practically normal. Sphincter ani recovering tone. Dyspnoea less severe and continuous.
Treatment. As before, but running short of Ether took one dose heroin.
Food. Ate heartily at lunch, and dinner with champagne. Spasm of coughing towards midnight caused vomiting.
[11 June) Monday. Slept from 1 a.m. Monday to 6.30, very calmly and deeply. Woke fresh, strong, and well. No craving; all functions in perfect order. No tendency to dyspnoea even. Went out and paddled before lunch. In high spirits: full of energy: feel 10 years younger. Now slightly, but healthily tired after morning’s exertions—writing, studying master games of Chess, etc.
Note with regard to my having renewed heroin after the previous breaks: this was not due at all from attraction, but to see whether I could stop it gradually as easily as I could suddenly. Accidents interfered with the experiment, and I do not intend to resume it.