Aleister Crowley Diary Entry
Thursday, 14 June 1923
Die Jupiter
(E.O.) 10.30 a.m. Children should always be present at any important conference; because it is a gathering of the galaxy, & the least of its members may say something which, however absurd in itself, will start a train of thought in somebody else's mind which will give the proper solution.
The above probably assumes that the parties to the conference have some degree of concentration of mind; at least so I suspect after visualizing a number of such conferences. That assumption renders the remark absurd, yet the deduction from the whole thing is that mental concentration is the most important thing yet to be attained.
8. p.m. A comfortable day. 2 [Heroin], one before lunch, one 6.30 p.m. A fair amount of [Cocaine] (writing O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] a critical letter), but practically no Ether.