Aleister Crowley Diary Entry
Monday, 9 July 1923
Die Luna
Slept wonderfully, & a little Hg2Cl2[1] worked well.
2.48 p.m. One paramount objection to going back to one [Heroin] after ‘conquering’ it is this: Security, which is mortals’ chiefest enemy, interferes with any proper observation of doses. The motive for measurement has disappeared; so one is liable to slip back automatically to a large daily dose without even knowing that one has done so. The danger is increased by the fact that one is inclined to suppress any warning thoughts on the perfectly just ground that paying attention to the matter excites the bad reaction of fear-fascination. (This, by the way, seems to be the primitive emotion—as taught in 0º = 0o—the first reaction of ignorance & helplessness (hashish & [Cocaine]) to each new impression.
? Should I write to 555 [Roddie Minor] as per my dream?
Note on ‘Immortality’. The natural man wants to retain the memories of his earth-life as such—to reappear like ‘Balsamo’.[2] He is not content that the events of his life should have built up a higher structure, & disappeared by being subordinated. This devil is almost identical with that which leads to the Black Lodge.
1—Calomel, a medicine for relieving congestion of the alimentary system, and for counteracting over-eating or lack of exercise. 2—Cagliostro was the name assumed by Giuseppe Balsamo who was alleged to have discovered the secret of immortality.