Aleister Crowley Diary Entry


Monday, 16 July 1923



Die Luna


3.10 a.m. Meditating LXV, V, 6. The scarabaeus actually drops about at night—& we worship Him!


Twice last night l felt one just under my right shoulder—as if he were coming to set my Energy & Power in action. So mote it be!


כפ-רא = 100 (xτεις + ϕαλλος) + 201 = 301


אש = Fire



100 = ק = = XVIII where Keph-Ra appears.


One effect of my regimen of pure abstraction from mundane matters is that I want to wear magical robes as a regular thing in my daily life.


Note: באל-אל Lord God 64 = = 2, hence denial[?] (I got these alternative spellings of Belial in dream) גע

[? גל] = 73 also Chokmah.


     6.30 p.m. Read through various essays & Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] sections sent from Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] new-typed.


11.22 p.m. Very tired; but discussing Hermes with O.P.V. [Norman Mudd]


Hermes [Howard Shumway] has come in: old Greek phrase used to cover embarrassment when conversation stops suddenly. Today we use the phrase ‘A monkey is being born’—evidently a reference to the Ape of Thoth [Leah Hirsig]. (I quite seriously suggest that this is the origin of our phrase.)


I am pleased & proud to be able to say that I have actually managed to get through a whole day without doing any really serious work. I had, however, a long irritable argument with O.P.V. chiefly about the meaning of the word ‘measurement’. He must not take the line he does about these matters: it wastes time.


