Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 29 July 1923
Die Sol
Hail unto Kheph-Ra!
Wrote O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] about IX° as above, last night. Drove round half Tunis: walked round other half: nothing doing. Have therefore retired to my chaste couch: the fact is: I failed to get properly drunk as I did on Friday night.
Monday I resolve firmly to have [Dr.] Domela[1] bore my urethra.
Last night: used H-P-K [Hoor-Paar-Kraat] formula to soak up the required elements from the IX° floating about that district of Tunis where the IX° is practised as if it were the III.[2]
Object: to sleep very deeply, & wake at 9.30 brimful of creative energy.
12.55 a.m. Have I anywhere remarked that the Croix Pattee of the O.T.O. represents an attempt to combine Cross & Crescent in the Cross itself?
11.10 a.m. My H.P.K. formula worked very well; indeed, I woke twice in the night with excess energy.
2.20 p.m. Idea for a monthly: the ‘Anti-Magazine’. Short drastic criticism of any important articles in current high-class journalism; plus one masterpiece every month in the various possible fields: Poetry. Short Story. Economics. Magick. Essay. History. (O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] Hag [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley]: Quote Atlantic Monthly, April 23, Page 443. Generally speaking, I want a quotation from some accepted author to buttress every debatable remark in the Hag.)
4. p.m. THE OATH.
I, . . . , understanding & confessing myself to be an Individual Unique Sovereign & Eternal hereby declare upon my honour that I accept the Book of the Law (Liber AL vel Legis as delivered by Aiwass to To Mega Therion 666 the man Aleister Crowley) as the sole & sufficient authority of this present Aeon (beginning with the Vernal Equinox of the year 1904 of the Vulgar Era).
I adhere in particular to these propositions following:—
Cap: I. v. 3. Every man and every woman is a star.
I. v. 39. The word of the law is Θελημα.
I. v. 40. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
I. v. 41. The word of Sin is Restriction.
I. v. 42. Thou hast no right but to do thy will.
I. 43. Do that, and no other shall say nay.
I, 44. For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
I, 57. Love is the law, love under will.
I, being thus thereby brought into the realization of my inalienable freedom & sovereignty, & affirming the solidarity of my consciousness with the Holy Spirit of Mankind, do solemnly & joyfully pledge my allegiance TO MEΓA ΘHPION 666 as being the Incarnation of that Spirit; for I declare it to be my True Will to devote myself with all my energy & Resources to that Great Work of His, to bring Mankind into the dominion of His Law of Light, Life, Love and Liberty. In witness whereof I hereby consecrate myself without reserve to this Work, being ready & eager to perform any & every act required of me, by His declared design as it may be communicated to me by His duly accredited Agents, even as a member of the living Body of Man obeys the direction of his Will, finding health, freedom, joy, and self-realization in that spontaneous reaction.
4.44 p.m. V.D.S.A. of Temple Ring of Profession.
Voluntas Diaboli Sit Acta. Virtutem Debilem Semen Adjuvat. Vir Debeo Salvator Adire. Vi Diaboli Salvator Adsum. Vas Deliciarum Summum Anus. Yolo Deum Sumpsere Ano.
11.22 p.m. After my COLD BATH!!!!! this afternoon I hopped & skipped joyfully while drying myself. I had made up my mind that I had done with such things for the last time long ago!
I used the H.P.K. formula on my Russian friend: also on the giggling, chattering crowd around me at the Charlie Chaplin film at the Palmarium. I could hardly see the screen, I was so tired; then I bucked up, had a couple of Otard Dupuy [Cognac] & feel energetic.
1—Crowley’s doctor in Tunis, who he went to see about stopping his heroin habit. 2—That is, the red light district.