Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 31 July 1923



Die Mars


1.20 a.m. Hail unto Kheph-Ra!


Also, I have met a most excellent possibility for the XI°. But somehow or other I am not feeling as well as I should: tired & depressed without being able to explain the cause or even to recognize the effect. It is something new—as if I were sickening for some illness. But I will speak unto mine Angel that He may comfort me.


11.15 a.m. Woke feeling unusually well.


2 p.m. Opened letter inadvertently—due to O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] not keeping appointment at 11.30. Police palaver—completely by interference with regular flow of ideas.


2.50 p.m. Last night I had the idea of summoning the British residents of Tunis, & asking them to sign a Covenant that in no case will they consent to take up arms against France, save only in the event of a deliberate invasion of British territory. This is to be forwarded to the Foreign Office, & an appeal made to other of Britain—also various political & other associations in England itself to draw up similar documents. Preamble should state:

    In view of


a) the intimate alliance of 1914-18;


b) the fact that England & France represent the types of civilized man;


c) the fact that geographical facts make the interests of England & France indissolubly sympathetic;


d) the fact that England & France cannot afford to quarrel, being the 2 powers most interested in Asia & Africa;


e) the fact that German & Russian psychology is such that they will never abandon the idea of vengeance & aggression, however economic advantage might lie, etc., etc., etc.


We ought to say that we are not influenced by any theory that the present pro-German reaction is the work of cosmopolitan finance; or by any personal interests: or by . . . anything but high-minded humanitarian & cultural convictions which we consider implicit in true patriotism.


And so on. I think we should discuss the matter first of all with a few of the most prominent British residents of Tunis, & perhaps go to the Consul before summoning the meeting.


The idea is of course to bring pressure upon Baldwin (the bankers & industrial magnates behind him) to come to a firm friendly agreement with France about Reparations & the future security of France against barbarian onslaughts. I might ultimately bring forward my old solution of the European muddle, the expulsion of all Germans from the left bank of the Rhine & the formation of a buffer state of peasant proprietors, formed from unemployed men & surplus women from France & England, this state to be independent (an elective but non-hereditary monarchy for choice) guaranteed from alien aggression somewhat as Switzerland & Belgium, & fiscally bound to England & France by preferential duties. Immigration to be controlled by a joint commission of French & English. International marriage between England & France to be encouraged by remission of taxes, & large families of healthy children similarly worked. No army, save a few ornamental regiments. No state religion, but absolute toleration. Marriage to be a simple contract without state interference whatever its terms. Welfare of children to be guaranteed by making them from infancy an help instead of a burden to the parents. Proper proportion of agricultural & pastoral settlers to industrial workers to be preserved faithfully. Health of town workers to be assured by arranging for the unskilled to change places with country workers during a proportion of the year. Education to be free, unsectarian technical: academic training (the 3 R’s) to be given only to those who show special aptitude for, & declare their wish to obtain it. Legislation to be confined to expression in particular cases of the general principle: Thelema. Administrative & judicial establishment accordingly. Welfare & honour to be dissociated from the idea of wealth. Property to be inalienable: i.e., no mortgages. Failure to make property successful economically to be taken as evidence as unfitness to administer it: the proprietor to be treated as an invalid, the state to train him, assist him, or otherwise to remedy his deficiency. If impossible, to be transferred to some other sphere of activity.


