Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 20 August 1923
Die Luna
2.55 a.m. All one's immediate fears are connected with the body: (e.g. I had just decided to ride a very large Bull, in a procession which—for some reason—was to go on a very long time ‘so that the orbit of Neptune is a small loop in the curve’ and I suddenly felt alarmed about falling through space-not off the Bull as would have been more reasonable!—apparently through the loop, it being too large for me!) Then why fear death which gets rid of the body, & so of all fears in a lump?
I ask O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] about this: he is as usual not illuminative. He only works when allowed time to digest ideas at leisure.
To the Editor of the English Review. ‘Do you pay for poetry?’ ‘I do.’ ‘So that is why you never print any.’