Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 22 August 1923



Die Mercury


Hail unto Kheph Ra!


Christian women veil the lower part of the body & expose the face, ostensibly on the ground of the purpose to which the former is applied. But this argument cannot be maintained, in view of modern contraceptive methods. [Dictated to O.P.V. [Norman Mudd)]


7.25 a.m. I have been suspicious for some time that Success was coming my way. Last night I heard it said that no man yet had succeeded in mastering success. ‘Success is your proof’: how about this for ‘irony of understatement’?


Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] arrived—hurra!


4.18 p.m. I ask a message from the Gods. VII. 4.58 My thumb on the word ‘jewels’!


[In Norman Mudd’s writing.] A recipe for a new novel or novel of new world. Arrange that the visitor should express surprise at the most fundamental ideas such as sleeping, eating; note the great difficulty. How is he to communicate with these people? that their language should be intelligible implies acquaintance with their customs.


