Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 24 August 1923



Die Venus


Hail unto Kheph Ra!


12.44 a.m. Opus I 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig] El. Rub. Opus Excellent, considering all. El[ixir] A.I. Obj[ect] —help of all sorts.[1]


Awake nearly all night reading Bill's serial. Very ill in a.m.—violent bilious attacks—vomiting-in bed till after 5. Aumont [Gerard Aumont] called-he had already translated The Ghouls. Very intelligent youth—gets my ideas at once—picks the important aphorisms—but is terribly voluble.


11.44 p.m. Violently sick again!



1—An operation of sex magic with Alostrael, during her period, with the general objective of ‘help for the Great Work.’


