Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 25 August 1923



Die Saturn


12.10 a.m. Hail unto Kheph Ra!


I note:


נ : Organic life is ultimately corruption:


 : but equally Corruption is the means whereby it blossoms out into ever-fresh forms of Beauty & Joy.


12:36. What utterly shallow asses people are!


They kick up all kinds of hell at the idea of a Vow of Holy Obedience: yet what else do they do when they put themselves in the hands of a lawyer or a surgeon?


Yesterday evening I dictated the plot of a proposed novel as to how the Law of Thelema solves the personal economic problem, entitled The Love of Money.


Money fear not ... Alternative title.


12.45 p.m. Question. Give detailed advice how to handle the matter of the Golf course Hotel.



Wű Wang [I Ching Hexagram] XXV


Creative Impulse informing the Will.


 Simplicity—sincerity—caution. Firm correctness is necessary to the Great progress & success promised. Errors will paralyse my action.


Line 1. I must put my proposals frankly before the proper people. They will prove fortunate.

[Line] 2. I must take my profit at once on the strength of the future. I should collect my expected profit for 1926 at once. I must bluff boldly.

[Line] 3. I am likely to be accused of swindling. There may in fact be some trickery on the part of one of my associates for which I may incur blame.

[Line] 4. I must retain calm & proceed with my work. If I hesitate or get rattled I shall fall into error.

[Line] 5. I may fall ill or become very anxious. I should refuse to admit it & the menace will pass.

[Line] 6. I must avoid going on with further schemes of this kind, having succeeded in this I must turn my attention to something entirely different.


General remark: My formula must be to impose my genius & energy upon all parties concerned. I must convince them that my ideas are in all ways admirable & that I possess the energy, courage, activity, & firmness of purpose required to carry through the scheme.


I must convince them of my sincerity, rectitude & prudence. At the same time I must display the greatest enthusiasm for & confidence in my proposal; furthermore, making it clear that I am interested in the matter for its own sake, as a sportsman, not merely as eager to profit personally by it.


The practical issue is that having got the people concerned into a sympathetic frame of mind I should offer to undertake the entire responsibility of putting the scheme through on the assurance of their cooperation. I should ask the gov’t to give a concession of land gratis for the land required in perpetuity & a full hotel license gratis for 11 years.


